You expressed what I was thinking. It was not Driscoll at fault, but it was the fault of the person who did this and those who allowed this highly inappropriate thing. It was not a private sin; it was a public offense to God and all who were subjected to it or affected by it. So, a private rebuke was not appropriate. What Driscoll said was powerful and true, and he should not have been kicked off the stage or made to feel he was in the wrong. The person responsible for letting that happen should be the one apologizing to all.
Image if you had brought a non-believing friend to this conference and the first 2 things this friend sees is a male stripper performance and then 2 pastors rebuking one another.....
Jesus publicly rebuked the money changers and the Pharisees and I do not feel Mark was wrong to stand up for Jesus in the midst of such a large crowd that was being subjected to what might be labeled as apostasy from the stage of a mega-church.
I fully support Driscoll, do you realize that while our men are being entertained there was a 2 hour prayer gathering at the capitals of all 50 states to pray over our children and what is taking place in our nation called #Don't mess with our kids? My team drove 6 hours one way for a 2 hour event, in the wet, and biting cold to take back our Nation in prayer while our men, who we pray and intercede for, were given a gay pole dance in YAHWEH's house - THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE & WE ARE DEEPLY GRIEVED.
You failed to mention Mark Driscoll has a new book out New Days, Old Demons. He could be extremely knowledgeable, but ironic it was a perfect setup to sell books. I’m not on anyone’s side. In my days we had the Power Team on the platform in shorts and tank tops. However they all professed faith in Jesus. Blame on both sides. When these types things go public, it
Is only damaging to the body of Christ. I won’t take a side. I will learn from this mess.
I'm glad Mark Driscoll confronted them about this publicly. I also think John Lindell had the right to confront Mark publicly as well. But Lindell shouldn't have told Mark he "was done". Since Mark opened the door confronting the exhibition that opened the conference it would have been better if John had come up on the stage and together they talked about it and took the questions from the audience, instead of everyone getting riled up and at a later time in the evening coming together to talk about it AFTER people had left the conference. As I watched I saw men getting up and leaving and hearing all the shouts and boos made me sad and I couldn't help but think that satan got a lot of bang for the buck with this former strippers performance, with Marks confronting remarks and Johns angry response.
I can agree that the opening act should have been better vetted, or maybe just scheduled at a different slot in the schedule.
It's also true that Mark was using very inflammatory words "Jezebel spirit", "Asherah poll", "Strippers", which seem to be in line with his shock jock speaking style. Those words are charged. A public confrontation could happen without these charged accusations being thrown around.
John Lindell, as the Lead Pastor has the right and responsibility to uphold the integrity of the pulpit. I was actually pleasantly surprised the see a pastor cut off a speaker that was using the type of language Driscoll was here. I think he should be applauded for that to some degree, thought maybe with a bit more tact. Especially with someone with Mark's own history.
It would have been better for Driscoll to at least talk to Lindell about it before he spoke. Mark should have had the discussion with Lindell, maybe even partnered with Lindell to make the rebuke and apologize. It seems that either Driscoll didn't do this beforehand or maybe Lindell told him they'd discuss privately later and maybe Driscoll was dismissing this direction.
Driscoll's language and accusing tone without having seeming collected all the facts or discussed with the leadership was out of line. He has a long history of this kind of behavior and it seems like he feels entitled to keep doing it, he doesn't not seem to be learning from the correction he's received in the past.
You expressed what I was thinking. It was not Driscoll at fault, but it was the fault of the person who did this and those who allowed this highly inappropriate thing. It was not a private sin; it was a public offense to God and all who were subjected to it or affected by it. So, a private rebuke was not appropriate. What Driscoll said was powerful and true, and he should not have been kicked off the stage or made to feel he was in the wrong. The person responsible for letting that happen should be the one apologizing to all.
Image if you had brought a non-believing friend to this conference and the first 2 things this friend sees is a male stripper performance and then 2 pastors rebuking one another.....
Jesus publicly rebuked the money changers and the Pharisees and I do not feel Mark was wrong to stand up for Jesus in the midst of such a large crowd that was being subjected to what might be labeled as apostasy from the stage of a mega-church.
Well said. Thank you for talking about it!
I fully support Driscoll, do you realize that while our men are being entertained there was a 2 hour prayer gathering at the capitals of all 50 states to pray over our children and what is taking place in our nation called #Don't mess with our kids? My team drove 6 hours one way for a 2 hour event, in the wet, and biting cold to take back our Nation in prayer while our men, who we pray and intercede for, were given a gay pole dance in YAHWEH's house - THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE & WE ARE DEEPLY GRIEVED.
You failed to mention Mark Driscoll has a new book out New Days, Old Demons. He could be extremely knowledgeable, but ironic it was a perfect setup to sell books. I’m not on anyone’s side. In my days we had the Power Team on the platform in shorts and tank tops. However they all professed faith in Jesus. Blame on both sides. When these types things go public, it
Is only damaging to the body of Christ. I won’t take a side. I will learn from this mess.
I actually mention that in my follow-up article - his book is a year old, but his tactics to turn this into a marketing campaign are slimy for sure.
GOD WONT BE MOCKED, JUDGMENT of God is coming! Wickedness in the pulpit. I stand with Mark Driscoll coming AGAINST John Lindell. From Revelation 11.
I'm glad Mark Driscoll confronted them about this publicly. I also think John Lindell had the right to confront Mark publicly as well. But Lindell shouldn't have told Mark he "was done". Since Mark opened the door confronting the exhibition that opened the conference it would have been better if John had come up on the stage and together they talked about it and took the questions from the audience, instead of everyone getting riled up and at a later time in the evening coming together to talk about it AFTER people had left the conference. As I watched I saw men getting up and leaving and hearing all the shouts and boos made me sad and I couldn't help but think that satan got a lot of bang for the buck with this former strippers performance, with Marks confronting remarks and Johns angry response.
I can agree that the opening act should have been better vetted, or maybe just scheduled at a different slot in the schedule.
It's also true that Mark was using very inflammatory words "Jezebel spirit", "Asherah poll", "Strippers", which seem to be in line with his shock jock speaking style. Those words are charged. A public confrontation could happen without these charged accusations being thrown around.
John Lindell, as the Lead Pastor has the right and responsibility to uphold the integrity of the pulpit. I was actually pleasantly surprised the see a pastor cut off a speaker that was using the type of language Driscoll was here. I think he should be applauded for that to some degree, thought maybe with a bit more tact. Especially with someone with Mark's own history.
It would have been better for Driscoll to at least talk to Lindell about it before he spoke. Mark should have had the discussion with Lindell, maybe even partnered with Lindell to make the rebuke and apologize. It seems that either Driscoll didn't do this beforehand or maybe Lindell told him they'd discuss privately later and maybe Driscoll was dismissing this direction.
Driscoll's language and accusing tone without having seeming collected all the facts or discussed with the leadership was out of line. He has a long history of this kind of behavior and it seems like he feels entitled to keep doing it, he doesn't not seem to be learning from the correction he's received in the past.
John Lindell didn't uphold the integrity of the pulpit when he invited a stripper to preform at a Christian conference.
Whether Mark was out of line or not, that is a separate discussion. I don't know either one of them, so I'm not taking sides.
But when you are having a conference to bring men to Jesus that is not the entertainment that needs to be done.